You some real examples of our bridge pages at MGID, which together have contributed to thousands of dollars in affiliate sales! What is a bridge page? A bridge page represents an intermediate element within your affiliate campaign, between the traffic source and the sales page. The goal of each bridge page is to evaluate customers, ensure they are a good fit for your offering, and prepare them for the sale. Without a bridge page, you'll be sending cold.
Prospects straight to your sales page before they're ready, which is a lot like Phone Number List seeing someone on the street, getting down on one knee and asking them to marry you. If your goal is to scare them, it's a great strategy. But if you want to get a yes — not so much! In this scenario, a bridge page is very similar to an appointment. It's a chance to get to know each other, see if you're a good fit, and make sure there's mutual attraction before making the proposal.
This way, the chances of success are much higher and the chances of turning someone away are lower.of any marketing funnel, but there are several factors to consider, especially when using it for affiliate campaigns. What is a bridge page in affiliate marketing? When setting up a native ads strategy for your affiliate campaign, you have three options. The choice that best suits your needs will depend on your affiliate.