If you take the time to develop an audience persona prior to building your digital marketing efforts you can answer these questions easily Understand your funnel In sales parlance your funnel is where those you influence come from In more simple terms your funnel is the path youre going to lead your followers to that will guide them to your ultimate message or goal Many influencers have multiple funnels For example Grant Cardone is a real estate investor and provides real estate investment training sales training and lately has become
ultrafocused on the HVAC industry Each of these funnels feeds Cardone with leads to sell his influence He understands his followers motivation and relies on their needs wishes and aspirations to best influence them This influence matters because India Phone Number it allows the seeds planted by a digital influencer to turn into something real This is your funnel from the digital space to the physical space and you must understand how the user flows through your funnel to bring you a positive return on investment If you wish to remain rooted in your unique influence you must
avoid the bandwagon and stay true to yourself by aligning your physical and digital influence You will find better return on investment more aligned followers and greater selfsatisfaction Author Brian Smith PhD is founder and senior managing partner of IA Business firm that has worked with more than CEOs entrepreneurs managers and employees worldwide Together with his daughter Mary Griffin he has authored his latest book in the I in Team series Positive Influence Be the I in Team Made for Success Publishing April which shares how to become our best self with everyone we influence.