Regarding Consolidation, I considered that for many people it is a see Valid Desire But It Still Requirements Time and That As Consumers We Mature Our Habs and Use Our Power for A Better World ... Here is the importance of collective conscious, which Course is Constantly Manipulated from Every Possible Side (As Melina Mentioned) Monopolist Strategies. I Don't know a lot of about Big Data and Monopolies, But I Believe That Long Companies use all Types of Resources at Their Deval. However, Thanks to the Internet and the Massification of Technology, The Gap and Access to this and other resources is increasing.
It is Shorter and within Reach of More and More People. Continuing Denmark WhatsApp Number Data with the Following Statement proposed in the blog, Although the Great Technological Developments are produced by Lark Companies, I Think That Now The Pioners in Hard Development CAPABILITIES OF APPLICATION OF TECHNOLOGIES ALREADY DEVELOPED PROVIDE Countless Possibilities (Software) That Open The Door To Great Changes Such Asfort Example What Maria Mercedes Mentioned About The Internet of Things. WHERE THE INTENTION AND RESPONSIBILITY OF THOSE ON THE OTHER SIDE OF . Regarding The Last Point, since Everything is Related, I Think That in One Way Or Another I Have Already Answered It.
Thank you for the Opportunity to Express Yourself and reflect on this topic. Greetings to All log in to respond Lucía from my point of view, We Currently Find Ourselves, As Society, at A Time of Technological Consolidation. The Bulk of Consumers, that is, People Between The Ages of 3 and 4, Make Regular Use of Technology and Have incorporated it into their routine life as normal. This allows consumers to have immediate access to all types of information this different types of devices, which means that exe level of demand and satisfaction with the possible products or services they May purchase is a lot of hygher than a few decades ago.