The or pure intuition it is not thinking or feeling but rather both happen at the same time. The brain works logically and creatively all the time. Shiomara Alejandra Rojas Muoz VI semester ADM. Occupational health February 11 2015 at 1051 PMReply Yenifer Carolina NUNEZ CUBILLOS Good night. In the text and video Estanislao Bachrach explains that the brain is not used as normally believed we do not use only 10 nor that if this percentage could be increased the senses such as intellectual and emotional senses would develop more. Through research it has been determined that human beings use their entire brain in daily life and not just a fraction as previously thought.
What really prevents people from developing their full potential is that the brain is lazy not He likes challenges he only adapts to survival and everything that indicates a USA Phone Number List search for knowledge seems like an excess of effort. We know then that the two hemispheres of the brain the Left with its logic and the Right which is more towards the side of intuition and creativity alternate working together to carry out a task. So it is there that Estanislao proposes what he should practice to increase potential through.
Reading listening to music researching asking questions and traveling to acquire new knowledge and open the mind. I am a sixth semester financial administration student.the brain is of great importance for our future performance in the workplace since an entrepreneur must have a creative vision of his business in which he is able to identify the points of opportunity that are generated in the market towards customers. Lastly something that made me curious was that Estanislao says that ideas should not be despised or discarded because from there a revolution of innovation for the future can emerge. One option is to write them down as they occur to us to remember them since at that moment.