Integration refers to the process of securely integrating code changes from different authors into a central repository. In this article you will learn in more detail what a pipeline is, how to configure a pipeline, and how to use the pipeline to automate testing. Part 3 The Ultimate Guide to Testing Mocking the Client Part 3 The Ultimate Guide to Testing Unit Testing Part 3 The Ultimate Guide to Testing Integration Testing Part 5 The Ultimate Guide to Testing End-to-End Testing Part 5 Reading Now The Ultimate Guide to Testing Pipeline Table of Contents Introduction What is a Continuous Integration Pipeline You Technical prerequisites to be used Assumed knowledge Development environment Clone the repository Set up your own repository Set up the workflow Add a unit test job Add an integration test job Add an end-to-end test job Summary and final thoughts Introduction When you have finished reading this series of articles Please step back and think about what you have accomplished in the first four articles. You mock clients Understand and write unit tests.
This inner peace is very important especially in a big team. There is a rough edge to what you learn however, requiring you to manually run tests when making changes. In this article you will learn to autom photo editing servies atically run tests to automatically test changes to your code base when a pull request is issued to the master branch. What is a Continuous Integration Pipeline A continuous integration pipeline describes a set of steps that must be completed before releasing a new version of a software. which refers to Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment. Often these individual concepts are handled through pipelines like what you see today. For the purposes of this article you will focus primarily on the section where you will build the tests and ultimately merge the code. There are many technologies that allow you to set up pipelines. The choice of which technology to use usually depends on the stack you are using. For example you can set up a pipeline in Jenkins Loop Code Pipeline and many more.
In this article you will learn how to define a pipeline using Define Pipeline. This will allow you to configure the pipeline to run against code changes when a pull request is created to the master branch. The technology you will be using to operate Docker Prerequisites Knowledge assumed when performing the following steps The following will be helpful when performing the following steps Basic knowledge of use A basic understanding of the development environment In order to follow the examples provided you will need to have a code editor of your choice installed We recommend Installed Installed Installed This series makes heavy use of this repository. Make sure to clone the repository. Clone the repository at Understand and write integration tests Understand and write end-to-end tests The testing strategies and concepts you learn will allow you to write code and verify that new changes behave as you want and expect in your existing code base Work.