Approximately 69% of Americans shop online, with 25% of American adults shopping online at least once a month. 1 More than half of U.S. consumers have purchased groceries online, and half of U.S. consumers prefer to start their holiday shopping through online search engines or online retailers. 1 About 20% of shoppers who return an online purchase to a store make an additional purchase. 1 Facebook is the source of 85% of orders from social media channels, and 84% of online shoppers in the US look at at least one social media platform before making a purchase.
1 39% of Americans share their experiences Phone Number List with suppliers on social media, and 30% of online customers leave reviews online. 1 On average, customers referred from Facebook have an order value of $55, while customers referred from Twitter have an average order value of $46.29. 1 According to a 2019 survey, 25% of e-commerce companies planned to sell directly via social media in 2020, and 15% were already selling via social media in 20191. Between 2021 and 2022, revenue in the US e-commerce industry grew 13% 4.
At the start of 2021, e-commerce revenue was $767.7 billion, rising to $875.2 billion by 2022. This demonstrates the steady growth of the US e-commerce industry since 2017, when revenue was just $425 billion. 4 There are currently approximately 7.1 million online stores operating worldwide, 1.8 million of which operate in the United States. This means that approximately 25% of all online stores in the world operate in the United States. 4 Amazon is a major player in online retail sales in the US, accounting for at least 50% of all online retail sales as of 2021. Surprisingly, Amazon's year-over-year growth was stable even during the 2020 pandemic. 4 In 2016, Amazon accounted for 34% of all retail sales, but by 2021 this share has increased to 50%. This significant growth demonstrates Amazon's continued dominance in the US e-commerce industry. 4