implemented, while the remainder are unaware whether oneexists or not. Steps in the termination process include drafting terminationdocuments, transferring knowledge and responsibilities, deactivating individualaccounts and access, and scheduling exit interviews. Most SME employees whohave implemented exit processes (69%) say they have specific interviews. Byletting the departing employee speak, managers can gain useful perspective ontheir organization's weaknesses, as well as what practices are most helpful.All this information can then be used for employee recruitment . Exitinterviews as part of the transferis another essential aspect of limiting the impact of a layoff on those whoremain.
Documenting the responsibilities, projects and tasks foreach position can save you time when hiring a new employee. These documentsshould be updated and stored in a central repository to streamline jobtransfers in the future. Regardless of how details are communicated, you can Bulgaria Mobile Number List facilitate communication through organized meetings or a project management process. Without a solid knowledge transfer program (which 8% of employees say they donot benefit from), teams can find themselves at a loss following a layoff.Advice for human resources managers: the departure of one or more employees isa decisive and sometimes delicate moment for those who remain. That said, twoin five employees (41%) reveal that their company has no strategy in place
to manage this change. Make sure your human resourcesdepartment has the software needed to facilitate smooth departures and obtainemployee feedback during meetings or surveys. The role of increasing skills toadapt to changing business needs An upskilling plan refers to the strategyaimed at teaching employees new or diverse skills to fill identified gaps. Sucha plan can help employees develop their careers and help companies train theirworkforce to adapt to changing business needs, thereby limiting layoffs.According to our survey, 46% of employees have received professional trainingin the last six months. Additionally, 30% of respondents say they have not yetstarted training, but plan to do so soon. The majority of employees surveyedsay