Companies that will use new algorithms in specific areas and we expect an impact on the entire microelectronics industry at least at the European level In terms of the impact on the companies involved in this project many new jobs will be created at both companies at least at Smarter Instruments and at Mycroft Mind representing a significant growth opportunity for bothUJP PragueRadioactive highly resistant chips A new generation of radiation sensors . [size=14.6667px]
[size=14.6667px]A radiation detector that processes data directly In cooperation with Onsemi a unique Indonesia WhatsApp Number Data field is created and ensures European independence in the development of radiationresistant chipsIt is a complex technology for a new generation of radiation sensors and components on modern SiliconOnInsulator substrates which combine radiation detector and reading electronics into a single system on a chip giving a new chance to build largescale in modern diagnostic and therapeutic medicine radiation safety surveillance space research technologies as well as common and reliable electronic dosimetric detection systemsNXP Semiconductors Czech . [size=14.6667px]
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[size=14.6667px]RepublicNew technology for autonomous vehicles The goal of the project is to design and evaluate a highly integrated multicore multiprocessor architecture and multiconnectivity device aligned with the corresponding software packages for connectivity security and safetyUX DAy tip 2The result is chips developed for Highly Automated Driving HAD based on microprocessors with extreme efficiency The system supports an open and reconfigurable network which ensures the . [size=14.6667px]